Total Character: 0

Url Encoder & Decoder Online Tools

URL encoding converts characters into a format that can be transmitted over the Internet. Web browsers request pages from web servers by using a URL. The URL is the address of a web page, like:

What is URL encoding?

URL encoding is the practice of translating unprintable characters or characters with special meaning within URLs to a representation that is unambiguous and universally accepted by web browsers and servers. These characters include − ASCII control characters − Unprintable characters typically used for output control.

URL Encoding(Percent Encoding)

  • ** URLs can only be sent over the Internet using the ASCII character-set.
  • ** Since URLs often contain characters outside the ASCII set, the URL has to be converted into a valid ASCII format.
  • ** URL encoding replaces unsafe ASCII characters with a "%" followed by two hexadecimal digits.
  • ** URLs cannot contain spaces. URL encoding normally replaces a space with a plus (+) sign or with %20.

ASCII Encoding Reference

Your browser will encode input, according to the character-set used in your page.

The default character-set in HTML5 is UTF-8.

Character From Windows-1252 From UTF-8
space %20 %20
! %21 %21
" %22 %22
# %23 %23
$ %24 %24
% %25 %25
& %26 %26
' %27 %27
( %28 %28
) %29 %29
* %2A %2A
+ %2B %2B
, %2C %2C
- %2D %2D
. %2E %2E
/ %2F %2F
0 %30 %30
1 %31 %31
2 %32 %32
3 %33 %33
4 %34 %34
5 %35 %35
6 %36 %36
7 %37 %37
8 %38 %38
9 %39 %39
: %3A %3A
; %3B %3B
< %3C %3C
= %3D %3D
> %3E %3E
? %3F %3F
@ %40 %40
A %41 %41
B %42 %42
C %43 %43
D %44 %44
E %45 %45
F %46 %46
G %47 %47
H %48 %48
I %49 %49
J %4A %4A
K %4B %4B
L %4C %4C
M %4D %4D
N %4E %4E
O %4F %4F
P %50 %50
Q %51 %51
R %52 %52
S %53 %53
T %54 %54
U %55 %55
V %56 %56
W %57 %57
X %58 %58
Y %59 %59
Z %5A %5A
[ %5B %5B
\ %5C %5C
] %5D %5D
^ %5E %5E
_ %5F %5F
` %60 %60
a %61 %61
b %62 %62
c %63 %63
d %64 %64
e %65 %65
f %66 %66
g %67 %67
h %68 %68
i %69 %69
j %6A %6A
k %6B %6B
l %6C %6C
m %6D %6D
n %6E %6E
o %6F %6F
p %70 %70
q %71 %71
r %72 %72
s %73 %73
t %74 %74
u %75 %75
v %76 %76
w %77 %77
x %78 %78
y %79 %79
z %7A %7A
{ %7B %7B
| %7C %7C
} %7D %7D
~ %7E %7E
  %7F %7F
` %80 %E2%82%AC
 %81 %81
%82 %E2%80%9A
ƒ %83 %C6%92
%84 %E2%80%9E
%85 %E2%80%A6
%86 %E2%80%A0
%87 %E2%80%A1
ˆ %88 %CB%86
%89 %E2%80%B0
Š %8A %C5%A0
%8B %E2%80%B9
Œ %8C %C5%92
 %8D %C5%8D
Ž %8E %C5%BD
 %8F %8F
Character From Windows-1252 From UTF-8
 %90 %C2%90
%91 %E2%80%98
%92 %E2%80%99
%93 %E2%80%9C
%94 %E2%80%9D
%95 %E2%80%A2
%96 %E2%80%93
%97 %E2%80%94
˜ %98 %CB%9C
%99 %E2%84
š %9A %C5%A1
%9B %E2%80
œ %9C %C5%93
 %9D %9D
ž %9E %C5%BE
Ÿ %9F %C5%B8
  %A0 %C2%A0
¡ %A1 %C2%A1
¢ %A2 %C2%A2
£ %A3 %C2%A3
¤ %A4 %C2%A4
¥ %A5 %C2%A5
¦ %A6 %C2%A6
§ %A7 %C2%A7
¨ %A8 %C2%A8
© %A9 %C2%A9
ª %AA %C2%AA
« %AB %C2%AB
¬ %AC %C2%AC
­ %AD %C2%AD
® %AE %C2%AE
¯ %AF %C2%AF
° %B0 %C2%B0
± %B1 %C2%B1
² %B2 %C2%B2
³ %B3 %C2%B3
´ %B4 %C2%B4
µ %B5 %C2%B5
%B6 %C2%B6
· %B7 %C2%B7
¸ %B8 %C2%B8
¹ %B9 %C2%B9
º %BA %C2%BA
» %BB %C2%BB
¼ %BC %C2%BC
½ %BD %C2%BD
¾ %BE %C2%BE
¿ %BF %C2%BF
À %C0 %C3%80
Á %C1 %C3%81
 %C2 %C3%82
à %C3 %C3%83
Ä %C4 %C3%84
Å %C5 %C3%85
Æ %C6 %C3%86
Ç %C7 %C3%87
È %C8 %C3%88
É %C9 %C3%89
Ê %CA %C3%8A
Ë %CB %C3%8B
Ì %CC %C3%8C
Í %CD %C3%8D
Î %CE %C3%8E
Ï %CF %C3%8F
Ð %D0 %C3%90
Ñ %D1 %C3%91
Ò %D2 %C3%92
Ó %D3 %C3%93
Ô %D4 %C3%94
Õ %D5 %C3%95
Ö %D6 %C3%96
× %D7 %C3%97
Ø %D8 %C3%98
Ù %D9 %C3%99
Ú %DA %C3%9A
Û %DB %C3%9B
Ü %DC %C3%9C
Ý %DD %C3%9D
Þ %DE %C3%9E
ß %DF %C3%9F
à %E0 %C3%A0
á %E1 %C3%A1
â %E2 %C3%A2
ã %E3 %C3%A3
ä %E4 %C3%A4
å %E5 %C3%A5
æ %E6 %C3%A6
ç %E7 %C3%A7
è %E8 %C3%A8
é %E9 %C3%A9
ê %EA %C3%AA
ë %EB %C3%AB
ì %EC %C3%AC
í %ED %C3%AD
î %EE %C3%AE
ï %EF %C3%AF
ð %F0 %C3%B0
ñ %F1 %C3%B1
ò %F2 %C3%B2
ó %F3 %C3%B3
ô %F4 %C3%B4
õ %F5 %C3%B5
ö %F6 %C3%B6
÷ %F7 %C3%B7
ø %F8 %C3%B8
ù %F9 %C3%B9
ú %FA %C3%BA
û %FB %C3%BB
ü %FC %C3%BC
ý %FD %C3%BD
þ %FE %C3%BE
ÿ %FF %C3%BF

URL Encoding Reference

The ASCII control characters %00-%1F were originally designed to control hardware devices.

Control characters have nothing to do inside a URL.

ASCII Character Description URL-encoding
NUL null character %00
SOH start of header %01
STX start of text %02
ETX end of text %03
EOT end of transmission %04
ENQ enquiry %05
ACK acknowledge %06
BEL bell (ring) %07
BS backspace %08
HT horizontal tab %09
LF line feed %0A
VT vertical tab %0B
FF form feed %0C
CR carriage return %0D
SO shift out %0E
SI shift in %0F
ASCII Character Description URL-encoding
DLE data link escape %10
DC1 device control 1 %11
DC2 device control 2 %12
DC3 device control 3 %13
DC4 device control 4 %14
NAK negative acknowledge %15
SYN synchronize %16
ETB end transmission block %17
CAN cancel %18
EM end of medium %19
SUB substitute %1A
ESC escape %1B
FS file separator %1C
GS group separator %1D
RS record separator %1E
US unit separator %1F

Many URI schemes involve the representation of arbitrary data, like an IP address or a chosen file system path, as components of a URI.

URI scheme specifications should provide a clear mapping among URI characters and all other possible data values that are being represented by those characters. Since the percent character (%) already serves as the sign for percent-encoded octets, it must be percent-encoded as "%25" for that octet so the user can use as data within a URI.

URL Encoder

Free URL decoder/encoder tools online. URL Encoder and Decoder (URL Percent Encoding and Decoding) is a free online tool. The URL contains a Non Alpha Numeric Letter or Characters that will be encoded into "%" (Percentage) Followed by some alphanumeric values. The white spaces found in text that will encoded by "+" symbols by this free online tool Technique or Algorithm. Urlencode() is a PHP function, which is helpful to online url encode. x-www-form-urlencoded, utf-8 and ASCII codes are encoded in online via URL-encode.

Input String :

Output String :

URL Decoder

URL Decoder and Encoder (URL Percent Decoding and Encoding) is a free online tool. The URL contains a Non Alpha Numeric Letter or Characters that will be decoded from "%" (Percentage) Followed by some alphanumeric values. The white spaces found in text that will decoded from "+" symbols by this free online tool Technique or Algorithm. Urldecode() is a PHP function, which is helpful to online url encode. x-www-form-urlencoded, utf-8 and ASCII codes are decoded in online via URL-decode.

Input String :

Output String :

Why do you need to encode URLs?

The space character is excluded because significant spaces may disappear and insignificant spaces may be introduced when URI are transcribed or typeset or subjected to the treatment of word- processing programs. Whitespace is also used to delimit URI in many contexts.

For instance, in a query string, the ampersand (&) is used as a separator between key-value pairs. If you were to put an ampersand into one of those values, it would look like the separator between the end of a value and the beginning of the next key. So for special characters like this, we use percent encoding so that we can be sure that the data is unambiguously encoded.

URL's strictly use the ASCII character-set to send data across the internet. They, therefore, must be encoded before being sent. Encoding replaces unsafe ASCII characters with a "%" followed by two hexadecimal digits. Additionally, URL's cannot contain spaces and are usually converted into either a "+" or a %20. The browser will encode according to the character set in the document which is usually UTF-8.

URL encoding is generally used in the query string or also known as the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). Users only really want to use URL encoding on the special symbols. This free online URL Encoder/Decoder tool will do the job if you want to get your URL encoded or decoded.

The characters that are acceptable in a URI are either reserved or unreserved (or a percent sign as part of a percent-encoding). Reserved characters refer to characters that could have special meaning. A good example of this is a slash character which is commonly used to separate different parts of a URL. On the other hand, unreserved characters have no special meanings.